CHUCK DIXON. Sketch Magazine is the leading publication is the industry of comic book creation thus providing all the information a would-be creator would need. From inking to digital coloring and design /composition to marketing/promotion. All in one magazine wanting to be discovered. Sketch is an Industrial Trade Magazine (ITM) in which the back issue?s material is not dated and still provides great information. Chuck Dixon?s work on Marvel Knights and Batman titles to name a few has put him in position as one of the top writers in the industry. With so many writing credits to his name how does he manage to keep ahead of the game and have time for himself? Find out in Sketch #7 feature interview. Learn how skills in the this industry can be applied to jobs outside of comics with Joe Corroney?s article on his work with trading cards games. Tom Bierbaum continues his excellent series of writing articles that we have all grown to appreciate. This and more and be found in the pages of Sketch #7. SRP $5.95 64 pg.